sorry, everyone

i have no idea what’s going on, but typepad seems to be republishing my oooold blog entries in some fashion. a bunch of two-year-old posts showed up on the VegBlogs feed a couple of days ago, and my own google reader had like 89 "new" posts from me when i checked a little while ago. they’re old old old, but maybe new to you! ha. anyway, sorry if they’re cluttering up your reader (if you subscribe to me). i’m not sure what on earth would be making it do that.

in other news, i’m home from chicago. today, as promised, we went to blind faith cafe in evanston, and i had the best tofu scramble EVAR. it involved tofu (duh), onions, avocado, red potatoes, a little handful of sprouts, and broccoli (i asked for no mushrooms, so they surprised me with a different ingredient instead). they also brought me a little stack of tortillas and a bowl of delicious salsa, so i made little soft tacos out of most of it, then ate the rest with a fork. it was amazing.

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